Group Programs Made Simple

Why groups?

Group programs such as workshops, support groups, and group therapies are excellent ways to serve more people in the same amount of time. But that's not all. Here are some other reasons why we think group programs are great.

  • Workshops and support groups, if framed correctly, can have less stigma associated with them in the eyes of the public
  • Many people - not only those who have a condition - can benefit from skills obtained in a workshop
  • Group therapy can actually be more effective for certain diagnoses
  • Group therapy can also be a low-cost alternative for some patient segments
  • Program providers can potentially earn more per group session compared to an individual session

Get Organized

Today, group programs are difficult to find and are often tucked away in websites and flyers. Information contained in these sources is incomplete and not patient-friendly.

Forge Trust

Much of the behavioral health space relies on the patient’s trust, and credibility, of the professional. If a prospective patient does not feel like a specialist is trustworthy or qualified, the patient is more likely to abandon the search.

Stay Connected

Your network of patients, peers, and partners will not know of your new developments unless they invest the effort to check. Make it easier to keep them informed by publishing your content to your network.

Better Outreach

Efforts commonly used today in the behavioral health space to raise awareness and extend reach are inefficient. Flyers and free talks do not yield information that can be used to improve in outreach attempts.

Our Team

Sandeep Luke
Co-Founder & CEO
Nathan Fu
Co-Founder & CTO